Credit cards are one of the best services provided by the bank. There are numerous advantages of using a credit card and millions of people all around the world make use of credit cards these days. In India, credit cards are gaining popularity for the services they provide and the offers that come with it. There was time not long ago when people could not acquire or apply for a credit card because they did not meet the eligibility criteria. But, today things have changed; credit cards are available for people with low income to high incomes.
Get HDFC Credit Card Statement Offline & Online
This made the number of credit card user grows in number during the past few years. HDFC Bank is one of the top credit card providers in India today. The services and offers that come with the HDFC credit card have helped the bank achieve tremendous growth in the number of customers.
One of the biggest disadvantages of credit card is that it makes the user addicted to using it always because they do not really feel the pain of spending the cash as it does not involve using ready cash. So, the only way to control is to keep track of the spending on the basis of the credit card statement acquired from the bank. Today, there are two ways to acquire HDFC credit card statement. Offline method & Online method
Check HDFC Credit Card Statement in Offline Method
The offline method is the traditional method that involves the cardholder visiting the home bank branch in person and placing the request with the staff. The cardholder should produce the credit card and then fill in the form and submit it. The cardholder can also use the ATM machine to swipe the card and get a mini statement. However, the mini statement will have only a maximum of 10 last transactions. If you want a statement based on months and days to visit the bank branch and place a request.
Check HDFC Credit Card Statement in Online Method
- Step 1: Visit the official HDFC Net banking website or click here
- Step 2: On this site, enter the credentials like customer ID and IPIN(Password) and log in
- Step 3: Once, you log in you will find an option “cards” on the home screen page of your profile. Select this option
- Step 4: Now, select the option on the left side “Credit card” and click the third option “Enquire”
- Step 5: Under the enquire, you will get a drop-down menu, select the option “View statement” from this drop-down menu
- Step 6: Now, enter the credit card details as requested and click the “View” button near.
Now the page will redirect you to another page, on the same page you will find an option “Click to View/Download” click this option and you will get the whole credit card statement.
PS: To use the online method the cardholder must activate the internet banking service on your account. This service can be activated by visiting the bank branch and placing a request with the staff.